Is There Any Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center That Is Available to Me at No Cost?

Question by Misty B: Is there any drug and alcohol treatment center that is available to me at no cost?
Is there a drug and alcohol treatment center that is available to me at no cost and withing my local area capability?

Best answer:

Answer by krazyladee
AA Meetings?
If you need something more, you can contact your county and based on your income, there are programs you can get into for free. Go to an AA meeting, they can help point you in the right direction.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



New Jersey Addiction Treatment Centers 2012 – The NJ Addiction Treatment and Recovery Living Retreat serves those looking for lasting recovery from alcohol and drug abuse. If you are considering substance abuse treatment in New Jersey or a NJ alcohol treatment center, we may be able to help. If you are an addiction professional, a video like this can keep your beds full each month. The New Jersey Recovery House is here to help those needing substance abuse treatment for addiction issues. Our highly trained and skilled staff of accredited addiction therapists, counselors, medical doctors, recovery coaches and wellness practitioners are highly regarded as the most experienced and trained professionals in the state of New Jersey. Many drug addiction treatment program claim to provide lasting success, but they lack the personal attention that is critical to lasting recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. We’re located in New Jersey, the Garden State. We serve as New Jersey’s premier, luxury addiction treatment center. Our upscale recovery homes are a close distance from the center of town. If you or a love one are seeking the best chance at life-long recovery, call us Today. Long-term treatment is the key ingredient in the recipe for everlasting sobriety, and we can take care of you. We accept most insurance plans, and can work with you to ensure the best experience for your recovery treatment. If you feel we’re not the best, we will refer you to a treatment center that is. The important thing is to take action now


Finances dog drug treatment nonprofit

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

It serves 15,000 to 20,000 people with drug and alcohol prevention and treatment programs, as well as HIV treatment and housing programs. Between 45 and 60 employees work for STCADA, with eight in Rio Grande City and four in Weslaco. A few years ago …
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“Summit for Danny” Traveling Trophy

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

Bob worked with Penny Jenkins at the Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (CADA) to develop the Daniel Bryant Youth & Family Center and he and Patty started the annual climbs to provide scholarships for youth to receive alcohol and drug treatment at …
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Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

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