What Is the Alcohol or Drug Addiction Process?

Question by Anthony: What is the alcohol or drug addiction process?
What are the specific steps someone should take if they know of a person who is a drug addict or alcoholic. explain some of the treatment programs available to addicts.how does an alcoholic or drug addict affect family members?

Best answer:

Answer by Mary
If you know someone who needs help. You need to go to AL ANON. You can google AA or NA and you can find meetings all around the united states. These meetings will say open or closed. If the meeting is “open” that means that anyone (addict/alcoholic or non addict/alcoholic) is welcome. If it says closed, that means that only addicts and alcoholics are welcome. To you it may seem weird or not normal to go to these meetings, but everyone is friendly,warm, and inviting. After you sit through a meeting and it has ended, stick around and ask someone about what you should do with this problem. They will be more than happy to help you.

Treatment programs can be an IOP (intensive outpatient) meaning you go to a facility everyday, but go home at night, this usually lasts for 4 weeks. Or you can do impatient, meaning you live at a facility and get treatment.

Being a recovering addict myself, I hurt many family members and friends, but mostly myself. A lot of trust issues have come up, but i work everyday to gain the trust back from my loved ones. But there are also some relationships that i cannot fix. And i would also suggest picking up some pamphlets from the meeting or you can find them online!

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