RELATIONSHITS: DATING A DRUG ADDICT – this was the hardest of all to discuss because it is so emotionally hard. Abuse is bad but the addict affects you because your worried this person will die any day and you become an enabler. Meetings taught me so much and i want to share this knowledge with you all. Thank You for watching this video Share the awareness and learn to talk about it instead of hiding it from others. It will feel much better in the end. my facebook: instagram and twitter @itsjust mars if you want to personally contact me and you do not have facebook you can email me at: [email protected] Information for websites and numbers of addicts: this website is great for info and help finding a meeting if someone you know is dealing with an addict http and for you if your dealing with someone who is an addict or a family member i recommend al anon meetings this is the best thing for your royalty free music from kevin mac leod – one eyed maestro


Better choices for troubled teens

Filed under: help websites

A youthful offender participating in Maryhaven's substance-abuse program said it has helped him remain drug free and set goals about maintaining good grades and playing basketball for his school. • The mother of a teen enrolled in a home-based …
Read more on Columbus Dispatch


Celebrate Radio Network's Weekly Reaching Up to Focus on Substance Abuse

Filed under: drug addiction help websites

The non-profit and the broadcaster together will produce radio psas on teen addiction and on volunteering to help youth recover from substance abuse and promote the need for more groups in hundreds of cities that have none and even in cities with a …
Read more on San Francisco Chronicle


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  • Str8UPdork says:

    lol oh and even better next time ill stand in the corner of the room so you get a full body shot and ill scream at the camera so the mic can pick up my voice lol im sitting at a desk im not some news person who has someone film them while they walk around . I dont know why haters like you even bother to watch a video they? dont want to see lol

  • Str8UPdork says:

    wow you must have some serious mental issues . your either slow or have a fucked up past im not “talking shit” about drug users you missed the entire point of the video. as? far as my weight i didnt even talk about videos about me talking about my weight. i know im fat i will never deny i even have videos about my weight but your too blind to see that because your focused on other issues. i take it your probably a “user” and cant see the truth of what im saying. in a way i feel bad for you.

  • Mac Gyver says:

    You want people to think your just a little chubby and not totally fat, that why u only shot your face in the vid, and? talking shit about drug users

  • Str8UPdork says:

    lmao acting like im something????????? and if im fat why would you want to see my body? that contradicts itself you know? that right.

  • Mac Gyver says:

    Your fat, show your body or stop acting like? your something…

  • Str8UPdork says:

    im sorry 🙁 its rough . cocaine is rough because then they start to smoke it and make it into crack if they get that addicted to it or even shoot it up. If you really want to work things out talk about it and i would recommend going to alanon meetings they help if they dont have any you can find some online check the description box it should let you find meetings in your area. It helped me so much. Message me if you ever need someone to talk to because i know it can be? tough at times. Take care

  • ibootypop says:

    You are so brave, I just found out the person i fell in? love with, is a cocaine addict, he kept it a secret and i found out when he took me to a party. I feel so depressed, i dont know how to handle my feelings, i really want advice on how to move on.

  • ibootypop says:

    I? just found out the guy i fell in love with, is a cocaine addict. I feel so depressed and my heart broke when I found out.

  • Reneelawrence666 says:

    Yes and this video is a example on one of those things that you NEED to share – This is’nt the 80’s anymore where things are kept on the down low.
    It’s people like this? that do the damage, people are ashamed to share important things like this, it’s not healthy – wake up

  • Str8UPdork says:

    thanks and your right they make excuses like a mother? fucker lol ive heard them all. take care xo’s

  • gilmarquis says:

    fuck all those drug addicts talkin shit to u,there just makin excuses for themselves n they know its? true,u rock girl,,,keep on movin

  • gilmarquis says:

    well ur out so learn from it n grow,the problem is when we love someone we keep putting up with shit because we hope for the best,and on his end,he? has to say this is enough n im sick of drugs n some people never get to that point,hopefully he will because when were that fucked up were not ourselves,we do wrong shit to others n ourselves,love is a motherfucker,it keeps us around people when we know we should run,so next time…keep love at bay for a lil while longer so u kn see who ur with

  • Str8UPdork says:

    im a social smoker and i? know the feeling lol

  • SumthinSmellz says:

    i dont always smoke weed… but when? i do, i smoke myself fuckin retarded.

  • MrBoots06 says:

    Your? a hottie!!

  • knoxvilluminati says:

    im not saying your wrong or shouldnt tell? your story.. you missed understood me… and to set the record straight, this has NOTHING to do with pedophiles, rape, or cancer. This has to do with people who can share such personal things with strangers… i personlly dont get it.. is my life perfect? far from it, but you or no one else who wasnt close to me would ever know… that was my point

  • Str8UPdork says:

    so if a? pedophile molests a child do you keep quiet? if a woman is raped and beat she should keep quiet? if a girl has cancer and fought through it, she shouldn’t share her story? you see it as pointless but you would be surprised how many comments i get of people saying they are glad they are not alone and how they got through tough times too. If you dont understand then i assume your life is perfect and you are lucky but if its not then i say the same to the comment ” i dont get it”

  • knoxvilluminati says:

    theres just some things you dont share? with the world. i dont get it

  • barbara ng'ongolo says:

    Your a brave girl..?

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