US Human Experiments – Mind Control, Ritual Child Abuse? – Victims Public Testimony – pt.1 of 2


US Human Experiments – Mind Control, Ritual Child Abuse? – Victims Public Testimony – pt.1 of 2 – US Human Experiments – Mind Control, Ritual Child Abuse? – Victims Public Testimony – pt.1 of 2 Like or follow at … #mothershouldi Uploaded by mamasuntwinkle S Tucson – AZCPS deaths. Foster Children Still Used (Below). US Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments Public Meeting, Washington DC, March 1995. Valerie Wolf (A), Chris DeNicola Tucson Arizona (B), Claudia Mullen (C). Pg 77 MKULTRA Victim B Tucson AZ. Testimony US Hearings. Transcript Monarch Mind Control and Project MKULTRA, CIA’s Program Of Research In Behavioral Modification, 1977 Senate MKULTRA Hearings GREENBAUM SPEECH. Lecture by DCHammond, originally entitled “Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse”, delivered at 4th Annual Eastern Region Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, June 1992, Alexandria, VA. Sponsored by Center for Abuse Recovery & Empowerment, The Psychiatric Institute of Washington, DC. and SMART cases, conferences Organized Child Abuse Studies The CASES: The Secrets of Mind Control; Based on 3 Books by Top Mind Control Researchers Experiments on foster children. Las Vegas Now reports Dr Mark Collins, director of Montevista Hospital who also contracts with several residential treatment centers, is ordering brain scans for foster children prior to their being prescribed


National Federation for Just Communities to present Community Leader Awards

Filed under: drug treatment programs in dc

Returning to Buffalo after assisting minority businesses as a Washington, D.C., city government official, he has helped found the Willie “Hutch” Jones Sports Clinic and serves on the boards of the Buffalo Guitar Society and Give for Greatness. … More …
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Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. Announces 15-Year Lease With ARIAD

Filed under: drug treatment programs in dc

On December 14, 2012, ARIAD announced that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved its drug, Iclusig™ (ponatinib), three months ahead of the action date under the FDA's accelerated approval program. Iclusig was approved for the …
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Mental health care cuts hit rural Wisconsin

Filed under: drug treatment programs in dc

The most common problems include acute and chronic major depression, bipolar disorder, severe anxieties, the varied presentations of psychosis and the schizophrenias, drug abuse/chemical dependency, and dementia. Health care generalists, mental health …
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