Can Help With World of Warcraft Addiction Can Help With World of Warcraft Addiction – Youtube VideoResponse


The 25 Best and Worst Sex Moments of 2012

Filed under: wow addiction help

Sign up here to receive our "Daily Meditations" email, written by Alexandra Katehakis and Tom Bliss of Center for Healthy Sex to help you develop sexual and emotional intimacy. This Blogger's Books from Amazon. indiebound. Erotic Intelligence: Igniting …


My year of heroin and acne

Filed under: wow addiction help

A disgusting addiction, but in comparison to my other addictions, I let it slide. I have too many battles to fight with myself, so I choose them carefully. … “Wow, did you just get your feet done? They look beautiful,” she said. When we parted ways I …
Read more on Salon


Obama's New Leadership Team Skews Towards Men While Women Focus on

Filed under: wow addiction help

Hubby, if you read this, which I hope you don't because I've been desperately hiding my gossip addiction from you, please know I would never ask you for child support if I have $ 50 million in a bank somewhere. What I think celebrity sites should do for …
Read more on ChicagoNow (blog)


From Twitter:

I’m a recovering WOW addict. I’m bored with WOW, but I also miss it. Could Guild Wars 2 be my next big addicti… – by mefigreen (AskMeFi)


From Twitter:

Justin Bebier has a drug addiction? Wow that didn’t take long. Hope he gets help. – by brsesis (julie eide)


From Twitter:

RT @angela_dear: ok wow i think i have a serious show tunes addiction #helpby MsTaylorEquils (Taylor Equils)


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21 Responses to Can Help With World of Warcraft Addiction

  • AddictionDestroyer says:


  • xBeastMimicryx says:

    Your an idiot.? Plain and simple.

  • Toranugoldenfaith123 says:

    WoW isn’t an addiction its a game, someone could stop playing a game if they wanted to,? at times i’m on WoW every second of the day and other times (like last month) I never play it at all

  • hieele1 says:


  • Bransen Minic says:

    ok 1 second quiting a video game and not quiting are different lets say people come to me and say im addicted but i lie and say i? cant o its to hard its not like smoking u dumb bitches its so easy its called personall will so if people wanna play video games let them its personell fucking will u could quit so easy people just dont want to u dumb ass nerd fuck u ur video ur haircut ur life STFU AND GET A GF AND A LIFE U STUPID ASS BITCH MOTHERFUCKING COCKSUCKING WHORE

  • ande8093 says:

    @DoctorSalt Says the 40 year old guy..? Your not really meaning that are you? Most people play WoW with their friends which mean they? are social… Xbox and PS3 gamers chat with each other when they play etc. It’s another way of socialising, which peple like you can’t accept is taking over. But yes, there’s other things in life than gaming but there’s more to it than looking into a screen and talking codes with people hour after hour 😉

  • RayRox17 says:

    Fag? lol

  • That1Gammer says:

    why am i? not playing wow right now anyways…? *blasts poker face… opens wow…lets raid ^_^*

  • briozaver says:

    if they pay me i maybe quit(so i can pay for the game? cards 😉 )

  • Blackwing024 says:

    join the resistance! seriously i wish there was something like that 😀 working sux ?

  • Blackwing024 says:

    wow nice one i? just realised i wrote the same thing 😀

  • Blackwing024 says:

    im going to buil d a website for people who should get a new haircut,? cause the old one is fkin retarded.

  • MtYermomalot says:

    I’ve made a website on how to get a haircut.?

  • TheMachomaniac says:

    i quit for like a month and now since then im? not so attached to it

  • BUDDYAZ says:

    You sold out man. I bet you loved WoW when you played it. I bet you loved every minute of it now you’re? slating to make money. It’s their lives, let them spend it how they want. I despise you.

  • duskin99 says:

    Why would I want to quit it??

  • DrVonTennla says:

    This guy is an epic fgt, he says he wants to help people quit wow (lol just lol) and he wrote a book which he sells for 14 bucks, nice way to help maaaan. Give it for free you wannabe facebook creator (in his webpage he is the CEO (!!!!) of his company Quitwow… )I will tell you the way to quit wow in one simple step: take the pc away. Free and it works 100% of the time. He even says he quitted several times? so if the first time doesnt work you threw 14 bucks to his pocket! Hope? you die virgin

  • zootdub376 says:


  • zootdub376 says:


  • aqsqu4ever says:

    Yeah, I`ve just noticed now that im not addicted to any particular? game, but to net itself. I feel kinda stupid now 🙁

  • tERtasdf says:

    game? addiction is for people who lack the brainpower to simply just stop it

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