New Jersey’s Insane Seatbelt Law for Your Dog! Nanny of the Month July 2012!


New Jersey’s Insane Seatbelt Law For Your Dog! Nanny of the Month July 2012! – Forget the London Olympics, you’ll find the fiercest competition stateside, where faces new and old vied for the title of “Nanny of the Month.” Proving it can ruin just about any good idea, the Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to ban the city’s medical marijuana dispensaries, and a North Carolina pol who claims baggy pants are “a part of a culture that breeds drug sales, drug addiction, crime, and murder” is itching to regulate precisely how much sag his constituents may bust (no more than three inches below the waist). But this month we find the busiest of bodies in the nation’s Garden State: Imagine getting pulled over for a seatbelt violation. Imagine it cost you 00 and six months in the clink. Imagine the cause of this was your failure to buckle up your pooch. Welcome to New Jersey! About a minute long. “Nanny of the Month” is written and produced by Ted Balaker; opening animation by Meredith Bragg. Go to for previous episodes. And go to to get downloadable versions of the video. Subscribe to ReasonTV’s YouTube channel to get automatic notification when new material goes live.


Ginnie Graham: Some tasks are worthy of a force

Filed under: causes of drug addiction

Any title with more than three words – and one of those containing four syllables – is destined to cause some head scratching. Long gone are the days of committees created to produce a study on something important. … with a task force, whether it's …
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Sensational claims about the world of Scientology from book unlikely to be

Filed under: causes of drug addiction

… have chosen to write a serious, objective and fair book on Scientology and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard, that also would document the religion's growth worldwide as well as its involvement in such causes as human rights and the fight against drug abuse.
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