Substance Abuse and the Adolescent Brain, Part II: Behavioral Symptoms
Substance Abuse and the Adolescent Brain, Part II: Behavioral Symptoms – Second in a series discussing the disease of addiction, brain development and the adolescent brain’s unique vulnerability to addiction, and the particular challenges of recognizing and treating the problem among this population. Presented by Alex Kirby, Psy.D., Executive Director of Montford Hall.
Help is on the way for young fentanyl addicts
Filed under: drug abuse symptoms
The program is unique, Corace said, because it focuses on “concurrent treatment” of the addiction as well as any mental health issues the patient might have. There is a high correlation between substance abuse and mental health issues, she said …
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Lawmakers seek to deter illegal drug use during pregnancies
Filed under: drug abuse symptoms
She expressed concern that criminalizing drug abuse of a pregnant woman would result in damage to the child because women who believe they may be prosecuted for drug addiction likely would not seek prenatal care or would not deliver their child at a …
Read more on Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier