Minnesota Channel – Myths of Addiction


Minnesota Channel – Myths of Addiction – When it comes to addiction to alcohol and other drugs, it seems everyone has an opinion. But not all opinions are based in fact. Many people harbor long-standing misconceptions about both the nature and treatment of addiction. Myths of Addiction sets the record straight, debunking some of the most commonly held myths and misconceptions. Hazelden experts help separate facts from fiction about this chronic illness, and offer hope for recovery. Panelists include:William Moyers, VP of External Relations and son of journalist Bill Moyers, Dianne Seger of Hazelden’s Center for Youth and Families, Dr. Marvin Seppala, Chief Medical Officer and author, and Betty Davis Reynolds, an ordained minister in the…


Father charged with felony in daughter's drowning makes first court appearance

Filed under: treatment minneapolis

His wife, Amanda, 31, and a second daughter, 2-year-old Isabelle, escaped from the submerged car and were treated for hypothermia. Jonathan … Judge Toddrick Barnette set the bail at $ 10,000 and ordered Markle not to use alcohol or illegal drugs …
Read more on Minneapolis Star Tribune


Roseville Search Warrant Leads to 3 Arrests

Filed under: drug addiction treatment minneapolis

Police say they found illegal narcotics, drug paraphernalia, and a large amount of cash. They also say they found a carcass of a miniature Doberman and a malnourished Doberman in the basement. The surviving dog is getting treatment at a local vet.
Read more on KSTP.com


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9 Responses to Minnesota Channel – Myths of Addiction

  • yuLorraine687 says:

    the was the greatest? thing ever.? EVER.

  • V7Virginia600 says:


  • rUMyrtle483 says:


  • randy95023 says:

    cont.- So many addicts truly want to quit and most hate their addictions. AA or 12 step programs works for some, not for others. Each addict is different. ? We need to end this so called “War on Drugs” and end the stigma of addiction. If you commit crimes then you should of course be punished for THE CRIME and not the addiction. Personal responsibility is still part of the recovery process. Why is possession of an oz. of cocaine worse than possession of a quart of whiskey? End the stigma!

  • randy95023 says:

    Addiction IS a disease. I’ve fought various addictions throughout my 52 years. I currently counsel and pray with addicts, ex-addicts, convicts and ex-convicts. One side of my family has a variety of addicts and ex-addicts. “Addictive” personality is very real. I studied to be a certified counselor and learned an awful lot about addiction in general. What was most interesting was that? so much of what I was studying I already knew from personal experience and experiences of family members.

  • 911SGY says:

    Panel of experts: LOL
    Disease:? LOL ROFL

  • frasorto says:

    people here are so stupid addiction is real i know cause im addicted. so shut the fuck up all? you losers with no life talking about how its fake ive been out of control since 13


    There’s a reason people with 10 years more education list addiction as? a diagnosable disease

  • Rusty Shakelford says:

    addiction is pseudoscience.

    anything can be “addictive” even food, ever wonder why theres fat people? everywere?

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