The War on Drugs Has Failed


The War on Drugs Has Failed – A Google Tech Talk August 17, 2010 ABSTRACT Presented by Stanford “Neill” Franklin, Police (Ret.) Executive Director, LEAP “It pains me to know that there is a solution for preventing tragedy and nothing is being done because of ignorance, stubbornness, unsubstantiated fear and greed.” Hear Neill Franklin, Executive Director of LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition), speak on the problems and costs of the war on drugs, and the reasons society would be better off if it were ended. Founded on March 16, 2002, LEAP is made up of current and former members of the law enforcement and criminal justice communities who are speaking out about the failures of our existing drug policies. Those policies have failed, and continue to fail, to effectively address the problems of drug abuse, especially the problems of juvenile drug use, the problems of addiction, and the problems of crime caused by the existence of a criminal black market in drugs. Although those who speak publicly for LEAP are people from the law enforcement and criminal justice communities, a large number of our supporting members do not have such experience. You don’t have to have law enforcement experience to join us. By continuing to fight the so-called “War on Drugs”, the US government has worsened these problems of society instead of alleviating them. A system of regulation and control of these substances (by the government, replacing the current system of control by the black market) would be a less harmful


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23 Responses to The War on Drugs Has Failed

  • Jay Stimson says:

    The war on drugs didn’t fail. It made the drug cartels? very wealthy.

  • 09bweav says:

    Perscription drugs were started at the same time these drugs were made illegal. The heathcare industry (doctors) knew that about 2 to 10% of the? population cannot cope through their lives without addiction to something. They wanted those peole to buy those drugs from them. You wonder why the government will not legalize these drugs…It’s the medical industry lobbyists that stops our government for legalizing canibas

  • 1940ruth says:

    Read the racist reasons behind criminalizing ALL illegal drugs:

    alternet (dot)? org/print/drugs/retired-judge-reveals-surprising-rationale-americas-extremist-drug-laws

  • mark jones says:

    Folks the war on drugs has been a farce since day one. It is a war on you. The govt is getting RRIICCHH on this game. Just remember your govt NEVER? has your best interest at heart. It never will. Prison is BBIIGG business and the collateral is you, you are their meal ticket,you make them a fortune while you are in jail.

  • NewWorldStoner says:

    Totally agree, these people are not above carrying out the agenda of evil bureaucracy when? they’re paid to do so, furthermore have each made huge sums of money on the back of unjust drug laws put forward by fascist government. In addition to an apology, we need to demand immediate release and compensation for everyone jailed for any non-violent drug crime. Having said this, their overall message is good and is welcomed nevertheless.

  • janehylton100 says:

    yeah but they are? messing up every thing. i take opana for back pain but they are not the same now. they got mess up every thing.

  • 56cottontop says:

    Google is a arm of the? gov & I would bet most who work for gov & google could not pass a drug test! Stop this war on HEMP & watch the ecconomy come back because the HEMP plant has so many uses that we in the USA could end so many problems like curing cancer, cleaning the air & saving trees & ending the energy crisis very fast, but that wold break up many corps!

  • Jose Guadalupe Antonio Nunez says:

    so have world? wars

  • billybasscongahead says:

    if the criminal element was removed from the chain then the endless misery and mindless killings would be a thing of the past. what goes down in mexico is truly shocking and hard to comprehend, less still for the hundreds if not thousands of lives ruined and families ripped apart by drug wars. much good? can be gained by instantly legalizing cannabis, but so much more to lose by not.

  • Godtardism says:

    Legalize Marijuana, but more so, legitimize it.
    If cops want to be the good guys now, put on a pretty face and whine to us about? being the poor, innocent bystander while evil bureaucracy rears it’s law breaking head and violates our civil rights then I would estimate there being 100,000,000,000 lbs of marijuana to give back to their respective country’s citizens with a HUGE fucking apology before I would even consider LEAP as being authentic and sincere.

  • Godtardism says:

    I hope I am wrong and my skepticism is just getting the better of me. If so, great, but I won’t apologize.
    And if any of you wimpy optimists think I should repeal my statement, then fuck you and I hope rip the joint out of your mouth and replace? it with a soother. If you think I am at fault for standing guard there is something seriously fucking wrong with you.
    And for you siding with cops in general telling me I’m wrong, that’s why I am holding judgement.

  • Godtardism says:

    BEWARE: Advocates, please, don’t? drop your guard!!!!
    They still say it’s evil and dangerous and they’re demonizing it further.
    The only reason they are talking legalization is because of the violence and the economy.
    Both are good reasons but not the only good reasons.
    Marijuana’s benefits, both socially and medically are being sidelined, even totally disregarded as being a lie.
    When are these hypocrites going to realize how wrong they are and how righteous peer reviewed science is?

  • MrSchmolko says:

    if you think gov doesnt know all this you are naive…its about money. as long as drugs are illegal you can make billions with them. the only one against legalization is the narco mafia? and, being one of the biggest industries on the planet, the lobbies and so the govt.

  • jumboyarm says:

    if u dont smoke just put bit in cake mixture and bake cakes …it works ….cannabis? cures alot of illness’s including cancer when processed to oil….and thats a fact ..:) good luck..

  • Jimmy Cornballs says:

    you’re an engineer??

  • G Philip C says:

    i use vodka for back pain, would like to try cannabis.?

  • PieJacker1 says:

    I’m a little lazy. That was also 7 months ago.?

  • puppetsock says:

    Stopping “the war on drugs” does not necessarily mean “anything goes.”

    Alchohol as the model: Still illegal to give to under aged persons. Still has to be sold under certain restrictions, though these are not too odious. Can’t be distilled? by just anybody, though beer and wine are pretty much produced by anybody who wants, for personal use. Taxed and monitored by the govt. And laws about consuming and driving. Could be better, but that model is probably acceptable.

  • puppetsock says:

    You clearly are buying your drugs from poor sources.

    Or, by “everything” you mean pot.

    Because there are lots of common street drugs that will make you do all? that and more.

  • Ronnie Smith says:

    Is this honest man? still alive?the powers that be dont like this guy i tell ya.

  • ChrisArnol9010 says:

    You are partly right in that they? should legalise some of the drugs (medicinal cannabis for example). But don’t think for a second that it will stop the problem of illegal drug traffic. An example would be cigarettes; they are legal but still people smuggle them illegally and sell them for a ton cheaper than retail. Heroin and coke are dangerous as hell, legalising them is a recipe for a medical disaster in the US (which has pretty bad healthcare).

  • SayaKoRnAh says:


  • Jordainio says:

    What a? brilliant lecture and great man. He brings up so many good points. I am going to contact this organisation.!!

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