Could Laughter Without a Reason Be a Sign of Illegal Drugs Abuse?

Question by da_rinna: Could laughter without a reason be a sign of illegal drugs abuse?
I suspect my sister is a drugs addict. When she is by herself in her room, I hear her laughing all day long….there are tones of other signs,too, but could this one be dued to drugs abuse?

Best answer:

Answer by hexeliebe

And so could no laughter.

And so could hunger.

And so could not eating.

and so could breathing.

Add your own answer in the comments!



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21 Responses to Could Laughter Without a Reason Be a Sign of Illegal Drugs Abuse?

  • Shel says:

    It could be, but it could also be a sign of mental illness too. When you hear her laughing go knock on her door and ask her if she’s okay. If she says she was just laughing, say sorry but it sounded different from…….where ever. Maybe she’s on the computer, if she is just lying on bed laughing I’d guess drugs or mental illness.


  • smedrik says:

    she may be watching youtube…

  • darkamagician_arielle says:

    I think it would be. Drugs mess people’s minds and some makes them hallucinate, and some makes them relaxed. I suggest rehab, but it’ll take her years until her body gets clean.

  • Orbach says:

    No, I wouldn’t assume the worst without concrete evidence. Run a drug test on her, most pharmacy now sell drug test kits. Ask your sister to do you a favor and urine in a cup for you, lie to her tell her that your friend is going to get a drug test for a job and they need some clean urine. Tell her your friend is a female and you prefer to give her your sisters urine. Say that your friend was in a room where people was smoking pot and now she’s worried that she may turn up positive.

  • pathfinder says:

    Not necessarily, it coud be be mental illness.

  • Lacy says:

    Cut to the chase. Don’t lie to her, tell her you’re concerned and just want to be sure she’s OK. She may get annoyed that you asked but let me tell you, you’ll know from not only her answer but the way she answers. Just ask!

  • LiquidSnake2014 says:

    i can beleive XTC. But ppl do lie about the truth.? Just look at background surronding Cannabis

  • Oaky McSmokey says:

    Stop bashing marijuana you liberal? fuck.

  • randomaussiegurl1 says:

    I know many potheads. Oddly they are all highly functioning members of society and most have two or three University Degrees. And Weed might be a gateway drug because many dealers deal in weed and? other drugs. But I’d put my money on Alcohol being the real gateway drug.

  • OHaiDerPointlessBear says:

    I’m not “trying to act like it’s all good in the hood” Whatever you are trying to say with that. Nor am I promoting ecstasy. I agree that people shouldn’t take ecstasy (unless they are absolutely sure it’s pure, which it rarely is so people would be better of not to risk it). And, i’m a kid so I? don’t know what that whole “average KID” thing was about. I’m just trying to straighten some facts here. That’s all.

  • opheliarises says:

    And will the average KID…know this, care about this, stop and google it…NO, they are lead by peer pressure, unhappy homes and escapism. They will put in? in their mouths without thinking. And why, because their children and a human brain does not become fully developed , until 20 or 21 years of age. So,Keep your lame promotion of ecstasy to yourself and stop trying to act like its all good in the hood.

  • HIR5032 says:

    This should alarm many parents? to be more observant of their children and be attuned to the changes in their behavior, grades and physical oddities. It helps to know the telltale signs that can indicate if your child is suffering from drug abuse.

  • James Bacon says:

    The? naivety hurts.

  • 1str8upG says:

    Hey guys, I’m a x drug addict, through my experiences I want to help, support others in drug addiction, recovery or people who just want to use drugs, I have a Facebook page called Road To Recovery, search for the page that has a display picture of a? green sign saying Road To Recovery, check it out, like it and contact me through there, beating addiction is hard but it’s not impossible

  • OHaiDerPointlessBear says:

    Fuck. Can? I steal that potato thing? It’s hilarious.

  • OHaiDerPointlessBear says:

    *doesn’t kill brain? cells
    *not addictive

  • OHaiDerPointlessBear says:

    Pure ecstasy (pure MDMA) does not cause holes in the brain. The things some people mix into the ecstasy as fillers to make more money off of it do. Though pure MDMA is difficult to acquire, it is not the cause of brain? damage.

  • Andreas Rusvik says:

    I hope you know that all the sites you got this information are? governmental. Governmental sites is the right sources to get information about drugs, because they usually write that drugs like LSD, MdMa and THC are much dangerous than they really are.

    Congratulations! You have been brain washed by the government!

  • Thomas Egan says:

    this is more like the truth you know nothing your vid is a lie only? because you don’t want people to have a bit of fun by taking a pill every once in a while or smoke a joint pfff fuck off

  • ryan884400 says:

    Aye stupid bitch alcohol? is a gateway drug not weed retard

  • Amanda Duke says:

    Words of wisdom from someone who sounds truly educated…surely you know much more than individuals who? dedicate their lives to such research.

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