One More Question About Pregnancy Discharge?

Question by diyola02: One more question about pregnancy discharge?
Can you have the milky white discharge even before you’ve found out if your pregnant for sure or not? I am TTC and I’ve all of a sudden noticed a total increase in this White discharge, so much so that I was begining to think something was wrong. No foul smells, no discomfort, only EXTREME white discharge any time of the day. Can I use this as an indication of pregnancy? Is this normal so early in the first trimester?
I’m passed my ovualtion period. I made sure to have intercourse during my ovulation. so now its just a waiting game until I can test. I’m just trying to see if this is a sign of a positive pregnancy.

Best answer:

Answer by Maggie M
It sounds as if your ovulating, and of course this is the best time to TTC. Is it sticky or creamy? I am also TTC

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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