Heroin Addiction Story – Parents’ Perspective #2 | My Treatment My Choice


Heroin addiction story – parents’ perspective #2 | My Treatment My Choice – Elizabeth was devastated to discover that her twin boys were both addicted to heroin. Here she tells their story of becoming heroin dependent, of trying to s…


Blessings flow in the dust

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

These precious children may have lived in homes where there was drug and alcohol abuse and where they were subjected to many forms of abuse themselves. But, these children love their parents and their families and want God to bless their homes.
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Leslie McDonald Charged For Death Of Grandson Maximus Huyskens

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

Howard's addiction to morphine drove her son to commit suicide, because he lived in fear that she would overdose, according to police in Indiana. … It wasn't until Harmony's photo aired on the 11 p.m news that her parents even realized she was missing.
Read more on Huffington Post


Ex state prison inmate steerings others away from gangs

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

G.E.A.R.U.P. will provide inpatient treatment for 30, 60 and 90 days for youth on drugs and involved in criminal street gangs, counseling on victim awareness, anger management, substance abuse, parenting skills and gang prevention, adult education, and …
Read more on Ceres Courier