Elly Rowe’s Video Speech- Internet Addiction


Elly Rowe’s Video Speech- Internet addiction


Forces combine to help families of addicts

Filed under: internet addiction help

Between them and those who have sought help, Families Affected by Addiction has supported those with loved ones who are addicted to the usual suspects of alcohol, drugs and solvents as well as gambling, food, internet chat rooms, pornography and sex.
Read more on Waikato Times


CBS broadcasts the racist and homophobic rants of Aaryn Gries

Filed under: internet addiction help

It can be hard to stay current in the tech-world, sites that publish top 10 lists of garbage don't help. That's why we report the best headlines from the tech industry everyday and leave out the fluff. Choose one of the … A few days ago we reported …
Read more on The Slanted


Digital Dementia On The Rise In South Korea; Childhood Internet Addiction Must

Filed under: internet addiction help

Digital Dementia On The Rise In South Korea; Childhood Internet Addiction Must Be Addressed, Experts Say. The results of a generation raised on digital media are beginning to come to fruition: teens with underdeveloped right brains, with memory and …
Read more on Medical Daily