The Harm Reduction Model of Response to Drug Abuse?

Question by xayanexchanx: The Harm Reduction Model of response to drug abuse?
I have to explain the The Harm Reduction Model of response to drug abuse, and in my college book, i cant find a solid definition. Any help would be greatly appreciated .

Best answer:

If you will type your query into your search bar there is a good definition available.~

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McConnell warns Harry Reid tombstone will say he ruined the Senate

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Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell warned Harry Reid on Thursday that the Democratic majority leader's “tombstone” will say he “presided over the end of the Senate” if he “caves to the fringes” and changes Senate rules to make it easier to …
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George Mason University offers course on 'Trevon' Martin

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This fall, George Mason University will offer a three-credit course on the life and times of somebody named Trevon Martin. Presumably, as Campus Reform observes, the GMU department of sociology and anthropology's course will actually cover Trayvon …
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Daily Caller News Foundation

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