Drug Rehab – Alcohol, Heroin, Prescription Drugs, Meth, Cocaine


Drug Rehab – Alcohol, Heroin, Prescription Drugs, Meth, Cocaine – http://www.DrugRehabConsulting.com – Drug Rehab – Why bother? Why should you even consider a rehabilitation program? Can’t you just do it on your own? Ju…


Ritalin shows promise in treating addiction

Filed under: prescription drug abuse treatment

A single dose of a commonly-prescribed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) drug helps improve brain function in cocaine addiction, according to an imaging study conducted by researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
Read more on EurekAlert (press release)


Report: Hospitalizations spike for prescription drug poisonings

Filed under: prescription drug abuse treatment

We don't know for sure that they are at increased risk for death, but they should be treated as a high-risk group and we need to learn a lot more about the factors that contributed to the overdoses and engage those patients in substance abuse treatment …
Read more on CNN (blog)


PD: Couple Faked Accident to Get Prescription Drugs

Filed under: prescription drug abuse treatment

PD: Couple Faked Accident to Get Prescription Drugs … Paramedics were dispatched to treat the man for his alleged injuries, until a witness told police the accident never happened. The witness told police the man and a woman had been sitting on a …
Read more on NBC4 Washington