Is a Drug Rehab Program Where They Evangelize You and Incourage Christian Growth Lead to Good Outcomes?

Question by Andy: Is a drug rehab program where they evangelize you and incourage christian growth lead to good outcomes?
My friend is addicted to herroin. I dont have insurance but I saw a drug rehab program at my church where they lead a bible study and teach you to be a jesus follower. Do these programs lead to good outcomes.

Best answer:

Answer by S
For the past few years heroin overdoses have caused more deaths than traffic accidents. That is one good reason some program should be attempted. Addiction treatment programs that understand the needs of those with an opiate addiction are the best course of action because they help treat both the physical and psychological addiction to heroin. This is accomplished through three core elements of the process -detox (treating the physical addiction), counseling (addressing the psychological component of heroin addiction), and aftercare (which prepares the individual for life after the rehab program is complete).

It is through these programs that individuals are given a chance to break the cycle of heroin addiction and master the tools needed to live a clean and sober life.

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Redstone Drug Rehab – Apparently this guy missed the point of going to rehab…


Our Views: Drug program instead of jail

Filed under: drug rehab

The good news is that state and local officials are working to find alternatives to prison for offenders who have a chance to go straight. In the 2013 Legislature, another in a series of reform bills was passed to expand treatment for low-risk drug …
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