Heroin Addicts Speak


Heroin Addicts Speak – Meet people deep in the throws of a heroin addiction, with no way out.


Weight Loss Drug Helps Curb Cocaine Addictions, Penn Study Finds

Filed under: drug addiction

The drug topiramate, typically used to treat epilepsy and more recently weight loss, may also help people addicted to both cocaine and alcohol use less cocaine, particularly heavy users, researchers in the department of Psychiatry at Penn Medicine …
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After 40-Year Fight, Illicit Drug Use at All-Time High

Filed under: drug addiction

"America's public enemy number one in the United States is drug abuse. In order to fight and defeat this enemy, it is necessary to wage a new, all-out offensive." With these words in 1971, and the establishment of the Drug Enforcement Administration …
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Hospitals work to wean babies born addicted to drugs

Filed under: drug addiction

America's prescription drug abuse epidemic has caused a spike in the number of addicted mothers – and newborns experiencing withdrawal symptoms – delivering in maternity wards across the country. While there is no universally accepted standard of care …
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