Warning Signs of Teenage Drug Addiction


Warning Signs of Teenage Drug Addiction


Criticize the Obama administration, pay a terrible price

Filed under: drug abuse warning network

“Unfortunately, you've grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate sinister entity that's at the root of our problems. Some of these voices also do their best to gum up the works. They warn that …
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If Your Government Fails, Can You Create a New One With Your Phone?

Filed under: drug abuse warning network

When street shootouts between warring Mexican drug cartels made cities like Monterrey inhospitable, citizens developed their own emergency notification networks with Twitter. Urban governments failed to provide public warning systems, so citizens …
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Weiner comms director ejaculates wildly on young intern

Filed under: drug abuse warning network

[WARNING: VERY NAUGHTY LANGUAGE INDEED]. Josh Feldman at Mediaite reports: Anthony Weiner's communications director went on one of the most unhinged tirades in recent political history against a former intern for the Weiner campaign who wrote …
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