Substance Abuse and Treatment


Substance Abuse and Treatment – Substance Abuse and Treatment – House Oversight Committee 1998-07-22 – Product 109125-1-DVD – U.S. House of Representatives. House Committee on Government Re…


Leisure Club Of Mineola Membership Opportunity

Filed under: treatment association

The Gaelic Athletic Association is an Irish Nationwide sporting organization featuring the national sports, hurling and Gaelic football. They show the games live on big screens televisions. Complimentary tea, coffee and scones are served and a cash …
Read more on Mineola American


Bulletin Board

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association

Dual Recovery Anonymous, 12-step peer support meeting, 4 to 5 p.m. Wednesdays at 625 Court St. Framework of recovery for those with addiction and emotional or psychiatric illness. For more information, call Mike at 255-1691. Family and Addictive …
Read more on Sioux City Journal


Category: Latest National News

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association

Under the Adult Drug Court Research to Practice, or R2P, Initiative, we're helping to make sure the latest information about addiction science and treatment gets out to practitioners and policymakers. Based on the successes at the state and local …
Read more on eNews Park Forest


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