Austin, the Holistic Sanctuary, Johnny the Healer, Pouyan Method, Drug Rehab Healing Center


Austin, The Holistic Sanctuary, Johnny The Healer, Pouyan Method, Drug Rehab Healing Center – Austin gets healed from his heroin addiction within a week! No need for toxic suboxone maintenance drug. No need for sleep meds either, he is sleeping like a…


Rx for Abuse: Prescription drug use among teens on the rise

Filed under: drug rehab facilities

Dr. Neil Capretto, medical director and an addiction psychiatrist at Gateway Rehabilitation Center in Center Township, said there has been a "dramatic rise" in the prescribing of painkillers since the late 1990s. Buy this photo. Prescription drugs by …


LA County audit finds failures in oversight of drug rehab clinics

Filed under: drug rehab facilities

Officials must become more aggressive in collecting money that rehab centers owe the county, the report found. Rehab clinics are paid upfront for the services they claim to provide, and only afterward do state and county audits find inappropriate …
Read more on Sacramento Bee


State fails to keep track of dangerous materials shipped for disposal

Filed under: drug rehab facilities

From dry cleaners to heavy manufacturers, businesses that generate waste must report every load they ship. Disposal and treatment facilities must record the waste's safe arrival. And the state Department of Toxic Substances Control is required to track …
Read more on Los Angeles Times


Olivia Newton-John's daughter Chloe Lattanzi tells of drug spiral

Filed under: drug rehab facilities

Lattanzi said she had earlier suffered an eating disorder from age 15 to 18, but the treatment centre she attended failed to provide lasting help because she simply replaced one addiction with another. Despite growing up in the lap of luxury in a …
Read more on Courier Mail