Starting New Busines Drug/alcohol?

Question by pleasuretopleaseyou: starting new busines drug/alcohol?
I am interested in researching the requirements in opening a drug/alcohol dui school. Anyone ever inquire the procedures and laws which is needed for this type of business

Best answer:

Answer by Dylan B
OMFG i dunno but i wanna join!

Answer by Rickydotcom
In the U.S. this type of school is generally licensed and regulated by the state. The facility where I work has college-educated, licensed counselors. Program curriculum is setby each state but most use ASAM Patient Placement Criteria as a basis for their programs. Maryland has two different DWI/DUI programs, a 3 hr alcohol education course and a 12 hr DUI course. Each program is approved by the MVA and the state Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration. The educators/counselors must be state-certified.

The place to start looking is to inquire at other programs in the area. Ask them what agency licenses them, etc. Good luck.

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