What Are the Known Effects of Alcohol Addiction?

Question by destinie cp: What are the known effects of alcohol addiction?
A friend of mine is suffering from it and I want to help him realize how alcohol affects him. I am planning to tell him to enter an alcohol rehab center to curb his problem.

Best answer:

Answer by the red shore
i love beign drunk

Answer by AIYANNA E
Alcohol really have some nasty effects on individuals. Some of the most well-known effects include liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, alcoholic dementia, heart disease, nutritional deficiencies. Many instances have been recorded which shows that alcohol affects one’s sexual capacity, and, at times even leading to death.

Alcohol dependency also affects one’s marriage and social life. Some lose their job, their hard-earned money, even their dreams. And we know too well of violence against women and children committed by drunk individuals. Clearly, the liquid can be a very dangerous substance when gobbled down too much. I hope your friend realize this before it gets too late.

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