Can You Tell Me What Drug My Sister Is On?

Question by Jennifer: Can you tell me what drug my sister is on?
My stepsister is on drugs. I didn’t see her, but the symptoms I was told she has are : sores all over face, extreme weight loss, hard time speaking, dropping things constantly, and then the hardest to describe is a sort of muscle problem. I was told that she kept talking with her head to the side and her arms were constantly moving almost like muscle spasms and I guess it almost looked like she was autistic or some other retardation.

Now the sores, weight loss etc seems like it would indicate Meth, but the weird body movements I am not sure about. Her boyfriend was convicted of selling prescription medications, supposedly there were over 80 different prescriptions in the home. So could her addiction be on some sort of prescription medication, meth or possibly a combination of both?

Please no jokes, this is very serious. I have checked out several documentaries and websites about drug addiction, particularly Methanphetamine. I am doing this so I can find a good plan of action as far as getting her help, whether it be in rehab or put in jail. The one major problem though is the strange muscular behavior, I just can’t figure out what drug she is on. She used to be on heroin, but that never made her like that. When I saw her during her heroin addiction she would just sort of be sedated/strung out etc. but none of the retarded motor problems.

Thank you
Thank you adrien, I am checking that site right now. But I called one of her close relatives and found out she is shooting dilaudid and ritalin. But this site will be of great help, thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Adrian -W-
Go and talk to frank. On the website that tells you all about different drugs and what they do to the body. You would find out on that.

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Another victim of prescription drug abuse – Prescription drug abuse has become a serious problem, especially among teens and young adults. Do whatever you can to prevent your kids from misusing prescription drugs because its an incredibly difficult addiction to kick, much harder than heroin or cocaine. Learn as much as you can about how drug abuse starts, how to prevent it, and how to help a loved one suffering from addiction. Below are some websites with very good information on prescription drug abuse. Song-Mariye by Adom9 Special thanks to Adom9 for permission to use their song. To download a good quality version click the link below:


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