Addiction Help, Strange Addiction Intervention
Addiction Help, Strange Addiction Intervention – Click and discover the secret to breaking all bad habits. Also GET OUR FREE E-BOOK ON how to end the addiction substitution cycle once and for all. Scott Gallagher is a Career Consultant, Life Coach and does strategic interventions. In this video Scott is demonstrating his Choice Centered Leadership philosophy in helping people break bad habits of all sorts. Some have reference Scott as being the Tony Robbins of Addictions which is probably because his work has been deeply influenced by Richard Bandler, NLP, Stephen Covey, the 7 Habits, Landmark Education, Abraham Hicks, Wayne Dyer, Jim Rohn, Dr. Stanton Peele, Bob Proctor, Chris Raymer, the 12 Steps and Christianity. Scott has no academic, therapeutic, psychological, or medical credentials as a mental health or addictions professional. Unconditional acceptance, unconditional love and success principles are at the core of his work which has been endorsed by Dr. Gabor Mate, and Dr. Lee Jampolsky. He’s the creator of the Power of Choice & Habit Mastery Leadership Success Programs. All of Scott’s teachings are intended to support himself and others in preventing and reducing self sabotage by redirecting people’s attention on success habits. Scott broke free from his own addictive personality substituting multiple addictions like alcoholism, marijuana addiction, food addiction, sex addiction, cigarette addiction, cocaine addiction, codependency, drug addiction, workaholism, religious addictions …
State gets grant for substance abuse prevention, treatment efforts
Filed under: addiction help
The funding will support programs aimed at adolescents with mental health and substance use disorders and help fight underage drinking and prescription drug abuse among Kentuckians who are 12 to 25 years old. “This funding will bolster our efforts to …
Read more on The Lane Report