Alcohol & Substance Abuse : Warning Signs of an Alcoholic


Alcohol & Substance Abuse : Warning Signs of an Alcoholic – An alcoholic usually refers to an individual who is dependent on alcohol, and not simply someone who has misused or abused alcohol. Look at the frequency and duration of hangovers as a sign of alcoholism withhelp from a licensed mental health counselor in this free video on alcohol abuse. Expert: David Thomas Contact: Bio: Dr. David Thomas has been certified as a licensed mental health counselor in the state of Florida since 1986 and in the National Board of Certified Counselors since 1987. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz


Bill would offer driving privileges to DUI offenders

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse treatment

Those privileges would be limited to commuting to and from work, or to a hospital or substance abuse treatment sessions. Those who are approved would be required to pay a fee, and to have a vehicle ignition interlock device … First-time DUI offenders …
Read more on Foster’s Daily Democrat


Quitters always win with Meta House's new smoke-free policy

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse treatment

The smoke-free campus policy, which kicked off in July, is a huge shift in the culture at the substance abuse treatment center for women, located in Milwaukee's Riverwest neighborhood. Amy Weisbrot, a registered nurse at Meta House and a former smoker …
Read more on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


Deadly Dope: Confronting a local problem

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse treatment

Drug addiction is not a problem that Hopkins believes can be addressed on the federal or state level; rather, he said, it is something that needs to be tackled community by community. Hopkins said he believes it's time for city leaders to organize a …
Read more on Weatherford Democrat


Top of Utah school districts to teachers: Enter rehab before arrest, conviction

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse treatment

Mike Kelly, spokesman for the Utah Education Association, said every district has a different policy when it comes to teachers reporting they are getting help for a substance abuse problem, whether it is for alcohol, prescription drugs or illegal drugs …
Read more on StandardNet