Ayahuasca: Dope or Medicine? – Josep María Fábregas


Ayahuasca: Dope or Medicine? – Josep María Fábregas – http://psychedelicscience.org Help us caption and translate this video on Amara.org:? ?http://amara.org/v/CbC5/ Ayahuasca: Dope or Medicine? Josep María Fábr…


New push by doctors to limit antibiotic use in kids

Filed under: drug abuse treatment outcome study

Narrow-spectrum drugs generally are preferred so bacteria don't become resistant to broad-spectrum drugs that may be needed to battle more serious infections. "Our primary goal is the best … "The best treatment for a child doesn't always include an …
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How Many Readers Know The Right Number?

Filed under: drug abuse treatment outcome study

But he says the cost is actually $ 600,000 when you add on the cost of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, drugs to counter side-effects and other hospital charges. … cancer drugs. Yet even cancer specialists say that these expensive therapies have …
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Spirituality Improves Outcomes for Teens in Rehab

Filed under: drug abuse treatment outcome study

The study, one of the few involving teens participating in Alcoholics Anonymous , “supports the AA theory of addiction — which views self-centeredness as a root cause — and suggests that this approach would be helpful in designing treatment options …
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