Beer Cans in Hedges Robin Hill Apartments Kansas City


Beer Cans In Hedges Robin Hill Apartments Kansas City – Short video clip showing my drug addict alcoholic neighbor’s behavior. They throw beer cans, candy wrappers and beer bottles off the third floor. This garbage lands on my balcony deck and onto the ground floor apartment and grass below. I complained to management and their attitude was that this wasn’t happening. After I notified the manager Vickey Kroenke at Robin Hill Apartments about notifying the police; I received an eviction notice. Vickey Kroenke has shielded the name of the these people from me so I couldn’t file paperwork with the court for harrassment. Robin Hill Apartments condones illegal activity. Also video shows damage to part of my ceiling where someone or something up above was slammed into a support column buckling drywall in my apartment.


Ligand Initiates Pivotal Trial of Captisol-Enabled®, Propylene Glycol-Free

Filed under: Kansas Drug Use

Captisol was invented and initially developed by scientists at the University of Kansas' Higuchi Biosciences Center for specific use in drug development and formulation. This unique technology has enabled six FDA-approved products, including Onyx …
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Stories in Wednesday's editions

Filed under: Kansas Drug Use

WRONG WAY CRASHES: Every state should require all convicted drunken drivers, including first-time offenders, to use devices that prevent them from starting a car's engine if their breath tests positive for alcohol, the National Transportation Safety …
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