Can a Patient Be Turned in for Alcohol And/or Drug Abuse?

Question by wOW ReALLY: Can a patient be turned in for alcohol and/or drug abuse?
Can a doc turn his patient in for alcohol or drug abuse to the police or social services?

Best answer:

Answer by Danim Morem
No. It is their job to diagnose you and to treat you in any way possible. It is a good thing to mention to your doctor if you had recently consumed or used any form of alcohol or drug to help with diagnosis, but they legally cannot turn you in as it is part of their doctor-patient confidentiality guidelines.

Worst-case scenario: they offer or require rehab/therapy.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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Police: Drugs/Alcohol Likely Involved in Fatal Orient Crash

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Police: Drugs/Alcohol Likely Involved in Fatal Orient Crash. Updated: Monday, September 9 2013, 07:10 PM EDT COLUMBUS (Ken Hines) — Police believe alcohol or drugs were likely a factor in a crash that killed three people, including a nine-year-old boy.


UK Deemed 'Addicted Man' Of Europe For Drug And Alcohol Crisis

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And aside from prevalent abuse of alcohol and illegal drugs, the former world empire has become a locus of legal drugs of abuse known as “new psychoactive substances,” often newly synthesized drug products sold online and in sketchier retail locations.
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17 US nuclear power plant employees tested positive for alcohol or drugs at

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