Canadian Government to Appeal Safe-Injection Site Ruling


Canadian government to appeal safe-injection site ruling – Visit for more. May 29, 2008 – Health Minister Tony Clement has made clear the Canadian government’s position on Insite, the safe-i…


Medication shortages: 'Truly a public health crisis'

Filed under: treatment cost analysis program

The latest, a University of Pennsylvania poll of oncologists released last month, found 83 percent had dealt with shortages by delaying cancer treatments, omitting doses, using second-choice drugs or sending patients elsewhere. “Oncologists … In a …
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20 prerequisites for transparency

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

The treatment action campaign in South Africa, for example, used available budget information to push the government into providing antiretroviral drugs to HIV-infected individuals. Transparency is about … Corruption refers to the abuse of power for …
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The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Genmab, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, Novo

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In May 2013, Glaxo and Genmab announced encouraging top-line data from a phase III study (n = 447) which compared the efficacy of Arzerra as an adjunct to another oncology drug at Glaxo, Leukeran (chlorambucil) in treatment-naive CLL patients versus …
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13 Responses to Canadian Government to Appeal Safe-Injection Site Ruling

  • Karen R says:

    Tony Clement? is Brilliant.

  • Straylight100 says:

    If you look into it, you will find the vast majority of harms associated with drug use, [even heroin or cocaine], are either directly caused by drug prohibition or made hundreds of times worse.

    You’ve hit the nail on the head; prohibition is incompatible with a free society. By telling you what you can and can’t put in your body, the government? is claiming ownership over it. The “drug war” has been used over and again as an excuse to remove civil liberties from all of society.

  • Straylight100 says:

    @lkcwu That’s a ridiculous argument. Addicts don’t have choice over whether to use or not – that’s why its called addiction. The duty of the public authority is to reduce the harm caused by their activities without promoting them. INSITE does not sell, or tell people where? to buy drugs, so it does not promote them. Addicts using INSITE inject drugs whether INSITE stays open or closes, but by remaining open it offers a first point of contact to treatment services for the most hardcore addicts.

  • Straylight100 says:

    Tony Clement is a fucking moron. People like him don’t give a shit about drug addicts. They are more than happy to see addicts die in the streets.

    INSITE gives hardcore homeless addicts a first contact point with services? that might eventually lead to recovery.

  • Ted Turner says:

    Fry is a complete bitch!?

  • MannyHMo says:

    I’m not an expert on this field although I’ve worked as a physician in detox and substance abuse 12 step program. There are truly some patients who wouldn’t avail themselves of treatment. They would live in the most unhygienic conditions and would use the dirtiest syringe/needle. The key is harm reduction. The people in Vancouver BC are lucky (low crime, low? cost on health care of these hopelessly addicted persons, cleaner streets).

  • jmay2002 says:

    Talk about a double? standard!

  • lol365 says:

    All I can say is that what Dr Hedy Fry said is the truth. The downtown east side in Vancouver HAS been cleaned up due to the safe? injection site. It HAS led to addicts seeking treatment. It HAS prevented unnecessary overdoses that would land addicts in hospital, taking up beds for innocent people. The safe injection site, to my amazement (I was very much opposed to it), HAS worked.

    And Tony Clement didn’t answer Dr Fry’s damn question! Shame on the Conservatives and kudos to Dr Hedy Fry!

  • Thomas Dowswell says:

    Tony Clement has a huge communications problem
    On you tube he says “i believe in needle sharing ” during his misspeak
    lets give Harper a reason to put tony down for his lack of communications skills

    OTTAWA – A tape? recording at the centre of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s $3.5-million defamation suit against the Liberal party was not altered as the prime minister has claimed, a court-ordered analysis of the tape by Harper’s own audio expert has found.

  • liberty4canada says:

    I agree with you about decriminalizing prostitution and soft drugs – liberty is the freedom to do whatever you like as long as others aren’t harmed. If there is no victim other than oneself, there should be no crime. Government should limit itself to guarding our liberties? and protecting us from harm.

    But dispensing narcotics (hard drugs) harms the addict and is against the law, so unless we want to decriminalize narcotics then this is the only viable position the government can take.

  • smellyfooty says:

    “crime”and”abuse” wouldn’t be there if prostitution was legal. you choose? your profession and everyone else should choose they’re own( no matter what you choose(depending on the money involved… and there is money involved). Freedom Baby! Like it or leave it. Drugs are the “medication” just like the medication that is sold legally for depression, but without all the “supposed” side-effects. Stop looking at the act and look at the “guilty” consequences instead. one connects to the other….

  • Northgrant says:

    Nope. It makes no? sense at all.

  • Cnd1867 says:

    Ya Hedy Fry says? every life is precious to her and acuses the conservative minister of dismissing someones right to life, but, wait….don’t the liberals SUPPORT abortion? HHMMMM…..well that’s strange, a useless drug addicts life is more important to her than, an unborn babie’s life is, does that make any sense whatsoever?

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