CCT Youth Centre – Opening Party!


CCT Youth Centre – opening party! – The new CCT Youth Centre opened its doors last Monday the 3rd of September. The 115 children enrolled in the centre all came along to the party. Many of their parents also came along to celebrate the opening of the new centre with their children. The party also brought two new children to our doors. The sounds of so many happy children enjoying the party reached the ears of two young girls, not yet enrolled in the centre. They had been collecting trash on the street nearby. We invited them in out of the rain, gave them a clean change of clothes, some party snacks and enrolled them into the Youth Centre’s programmes. They’ve turned up everyday since, are now attending school and are no longer needing to spend their days begging and collecting rubbish to survive. Check out the video from this happy day! CCT Youth Centre: Outside CCT’s doors there are many more kids at risk who need our help. Kids who don’t fit into the orphanage model because they have family. These families are dysfunctional. The parents are often gamblers, alcoholics or have mental health issues. Their children are then required to work to help support their family. With no skills, they spend most of their time on the streets, begging and collecting trash to survive, missing out on a chance to get education. CCT’s Youth Centre operates to support these children and give them the best chance at a bright future. The Youth Centre functions as a drop-in centre where the kids take part in literacy and numeracy


Program aims to help ex-convicts find jobs

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“My idea was basically we need to get them serious psychiatric help, because they're not receiving that in prison. When they can treat the core issues, then it will be easier to treat the underlying issues, which is the substance abuse,” he said. The …
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New research could help with PTSD, drug addiction

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She said her work could lead to the ability to block traumatic memories associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and pleasant memories associated with drug addiction, specifically opiate use. Lauzon, who has been studying how dopamine …
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Infinity Transitions: Alternative to Treatment

Filed under: drug abuse help for families

Delich, who has 15 years experience as an addictions counselor, created the methodology for the Infinity Transitions program to assist young people, generally ages 17-30, who struggle with drug and alcohol abuse, anger, motivation issues, laziness …