Cliffside Malibu on KTLA About Prescription Drug Abuse


Cliffside Malibu on KTLA about Prescription Drug Abuse – The premiere addiction treatment center Cliffside Malibu was featured on KTLA’s report on prescription drug abuse. CEO/Founder Richard Taite and Medical Dire…


Troublesome Prescription Drug Abuse Trend Revealed by ORCHID Recovery

Filed under: prescription drug addiction treatment

ORCHID Recovery Center is a substance abuse treatment facility that is eager to raise awareness regarding the circumstances that can contribute to the development of substance abuse issues in order to try to prevent addiction cases from occurring. As …
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Study: Drug overdose deaths up among middle-aged women

Filed under: prescription drug addiction treatment

Dr. Tim Wiegand, URMC Director of Toxicology, said, “Every three minutes, a women is coming into the emergency department with opioid related abuse, that's across the United States.” … The pain is difficult and it usual entails not just a quick fix …
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