David Gilkey Speaks With Westlink Christian Church Part 1


David Gilkey Speaks With Westlink Christian Church Part 1 – David Gilkey is a community consultant at The Regional Prevention Center of Wichita/Sedgwick County. Gilkey currently works with high-risk students inthe Wichita area. He shares his life experiences through his incarceration andsubstance abuse addiction. Informing youth about the consequences that can occur due toaddiction, gang issues attitude and behavior as the focal point. He has over 7 years sobriety andcontinues to be an inspiration to many. He is currently in 6 area high schools, 2 middle schools& 1 elementary. His goal is to change the lives of the young men who are headed towardsgangs, drugs & alcohol. He believes he will achieve this by becoming a mentor to many. Whennot working he spends time with his family; he is also a member of the Wichita Gang Coalition & attends many neighborhood meetings as a guest speaker.


Several Houston doctors among 55 disciplined by Texas Medical Board

Filed under: Wichita Drug Addiction Help

In addition, Dr. Wojcik-Sapeta must maintain a logbook off all prescriptions written for controlled substances or dangerous drugs with addictive potential, pass within one year and within three attempts the Medical Jurisprudence Exam, within two years …
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