Detox Augusta GA | Addiction Treatment Center Augusta | Detox Augusta GA


Detox Augusta GA | Addiction Treatment Center Augusta | Detox Augusta GA – Alcohol Drug Rehab Augusta – Call (706) 223-1955 Now! We offer the best drug rehab, alcohol rehab facilities and drug detox programs in Augusta, Georgia. Call us now if you battle drug addiction, alcohol addiction or prescription medicine abuse.


Neem tree shows promise in killing cancer cells

Filed under: drug treatment centers in georgia

… a malaria treatment may eradicate cancer cells. Neem, the legendary medicinal tree of India that has been used for centuries to treat numerous diseases and illnesses, may play a part in anti-cancer therapies according to researchers from Georgia …
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Georgia Regents University Clinical Trial Looks To Improve Pancreatic Cancer

Filed under: drug treatment centers in georgia

Researchers at Georgia Regents University Cancer Center are investigating a new avenue of treatment to help boost poor pancreatic cancer survival rates. The treatment combines a standard chemotherapy drug with a monoclonal antibody that may help the …
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Transcript of Obama's State of the Union speech

Filed under: drug treatment centers in georgia

So tonight, I'm announcing the launch of three more of these manufacturing hubs, where businesses will partner with the Departments of Defense and Energy to turn regions left behind by globalization into global centers of high-tech jobs. And I ask this …
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Bernie Kosar's doctor Rick Sponaugle uses knowledge of addiction to treat brain

Filed under: drug treatment centers in georgia

The study concluded that "addiction treatment facilities and programs are not adequately regulated or held accountable for providing treatment that is consistent with medical standards." Sponaugle's addiction treatment. Media reports, government memos …
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