Drug Addiction Cost $600 Billion/ Year


Drug Addiction cost 0 Billion/ year – 600 Billion Dollars are spent each year on drug Addiction. Pls. let’s make a difference and not ignore this! Many people do not understand why or how other people become addicted to drugs. It can be wrongfully assumed that drug abusers lack moral principles or willpower and that they could stop using drugs simply by choosing to change their behavior. In reality, drug addiction is a complex disease, and quitting takes more than good intentions. In fact, because drugs change the brain in ways that foster compulsive drug abuse, quitting is difficult, even for those who are ready to do so. Through scientific advances, we know more about how drugs work in the brain than ever, and we also know that drug addiction can be successfully treated to help people stop abusing drugs and lead productive lives. Drug abuse and addiction have negative consequences for individuals and for society. Estimates of the total overall costs of substance abuse in the United States, including productivity and health- and crime-related costs, exceed 0 billion annually. This includes approximately 1 billion for illicit drugs,1 3 billion for tobacco,2 and 5 billion for alcohol.3 As staggering as these numbers are, they do not fully describe the breadth of destructive public health and safety implications of drug abuse and addiction, such as family disintegration, loss of employment, failure in school, domestic violence, and child abuse. What Is Drug Addiction? Addiction is a chronic, often


Health care, veterans are part of Stearns' legacy

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

It also expanded VA-provided care for military retirees as well as active-duty troops with substance abuse problems and granted the agency wider latitude in treating victims of sexual trauma. Stearns also … He also has been recognized by activists …
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Leading Maine in 2013

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

I went to Washington in 1997, guided by two firm principles. First, I would evaluate any legislation before the Senate in terms … Everyone calls each other by their first name, and no one cares if you're “important,” only how you do your job and …
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Hobby Lobby Goes 'Over The Cliff'

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

Green is very well known as an outspoken Evangelical Christian who has publicly professed to building his business based on Biblical principles. Like the Cathy family who operates the … Earlier in the year, the Greens filed suit in Federal Court …
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