Drug Detox Rehab Centers – Help Prevent Drug Addiction


Drug Detox Rehab Centers – Help prevent drug addiction – To read more, please visit http://www.drugdetoxrehabcenters.com/ ============================================== Drug addiction and substance abuse is a globa…


Like all addicts, compulsive gamblers can't stop alone

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

Over many years' work in drug and alcohol treatment, I've seen my share of men and women come in with both chemical dependency and gambling addictions. We don't treat compulsive gambling … Like those addicted to drugs and/or alcohol, problem gamblers …
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Dick Nixon, To Kick Around Evermore

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

Back in the 1950s and 1960s — before the golden days of comprehensive education, before D.A.R.E., before even Nancy Reagan had the gall to suggest that the nation's drug problem was a matter of pure personal perseverance, willed behind thee as easily …
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The ragedy of PTSD: It afflicts vets and others, but help is available

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

U.S. Vets is a national nonprofit that helps veterans beat drug and alcohol addiction, find jobs and housing. On one wall of his bedroom, …. “Many of the treatment principles apply regardless of the specific trauma,” he says. “Even for people whose …
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