Drug or Alcohol Intervention Success Rates


Drug or Alcohol Intervention Success Rates – www.drugrehabpros.com…Families need to know that if they have an intervention done correctly, they have about a 90% success rate. They also need to know that timing is very very important. Sooner than later. You always run the risk of suicide, od’s, and more. If you are thinking about an intervention, it is probably the right time.


Iran: Activists Fleeing Assault on Civil Society

Filed under: drug abuse treatment statistics

According to statistics compiled by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Iranians filed 11,537 new asylum applications to 44 countries in 2009; 15,185 in 2010; and 18,128 in 2011. The largestnumber of new … “The countries in the …
Read more on Human Rights Watch


Prison rape: Is the US doing enough to protect inmates?

Filed under: drug abuse treatment statistics

A recent survey by the Federal Bureau of Justice Statistics estimated 9.6% of former inmates at state prisons across the US reported one or more incidents of sexual victimisation during their most recent period of incarceration. About 5.4% of former …
Read more on BBC News


From Twitter:

RT @NLM_SIS: MT @aidsinfo: 1/3 of Americans with #HIV use drugs or alcohol. Substance abuse treatment can help prevent HIV: http://t.co/ … – by SEVIEW1 (SE VIEW )


From Twitter:

RT @NLM_OSP: MT @aidsinfo: 1/3 of Americans with #HIV use drugs or alcohol. Substance abuse treatment can help prevent HIV: http://t.co/ … – by videodouble (Fake HIV)


From Twitter:

RT @NLM_SIS: MT @aidsinfo: 1/3 of Americans with #HIV use drugs or alcohol. Substance abuse treatment can help prevent HIV: http://t.co/ … – by videodouble (Fake HIV)