Drug Rehab Places in Illlinois With No Insurance?

Question by okalie dokalie: drug rehab places in illlinois with no insurance?
Looking for a rehab place in illinois that you don’t have to have insurance for, my boyfriend really needs to go to rehab but they wont accept him because he has no insurance. So what are his options then, anyone no any free or low costly rehab centers in illinois…please help

Best answer:

Answer by lizardklutzz
with no insurance in teh U.S you are pretty much hopeless if you are apart of a church ask for help so he can get treatment and go to free clinic so they can offer help

good luck ?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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Fighting the heroin 'epidemic'

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Paula Nixon was to graduate last spring from Glenbrook South High School in Glenview, but now is in a drug rehabilitation center instead. Although … John Roberts and Kathy Kane-Willis, co-founder and director of the Illinois Consortium on Drug Policy.
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Doctors observe hints of mutating, more deadly virus

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In all, 11 of the first 12 patients Leis saw this year at the Methodist Rehabilitation Center in Jackson had more severe brain damage than he had seen previously. … Last month, Leis asked a Food and Drug Administration scientist who studies the …
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