Drug Rehabilitation | Addiction Treatment Centers | Rehab Testimonials


Drug Rehabilitation | Addiction Treatment Centers | Rehab Testimonials – In addition, while many drug rehabilitation centers may frown on privileges such as the use of cell phones or laptop computers, 12 Palms Recovery Center encourages their clients to keep in…


Using drugs to cure a drug addiction

Filed under: drug rehab treatment programs

There is a not insignificant part of the population that finds it prohibitively counter-intuitive to treat substance abuse with more substances, said Orman Hall, director of the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services. The freshness of …
Read more on Marion Star


Lake Highland Prep will drug-test students

Filed under: drug rehab treatment programs

The test, which requires snipping a section of hair, does not detect alcohol or synthetic drugs. A parent would be notified if a student tested positive, and the student would be required to seek treatment. After a positive retest, the student would be …
Read more on Orlando Sentinel


Drug Court sending addicts to jail after detox centres reach capacity

Filed under: drug rehab treatment programs

Twenty-four men have been sent to prison for 90 days, or until space becomes available for treatment, in accordance with the Drug Act which states the court has the authority to do so if “rehabilitation centers are unable to facilitate treatment …
Read more on Minivan News