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Drug Treatment Centers Wichita

HELP! I Have Kallmann Syndrome and Where Can I Find a Good Doctor?

Question by um….: HELP! I have Kallmann Syndrome and where can I find a good doctor?
I am 22 years old male who has Kallmann Syndrome, a very rare genetic disorder. I have experienced 3 very bad endocrinologists who knew little of my condition or the side effects of the drug they prescribe to me.
For example, the other day I was with my PRIMARY CARE doctor and was going to make another referral, and she asked me if I did any cholesterol tests because people taking testosterone will have higher cholesterol level. Guess what? This is the first time I ever heard of it. Nor did any of them order a test for me.
Also, my mother is studying for medical school (another specialty) and she was reading her book (the general knowledge book that all doctors have to learn) and the book says testosterone has multiple side effects. It didn’t say if you take too much, it is going to have side effects; it says this will have side effects. Guess what these “specialist” say? No, this is perfectly safe. I will be fine with the answer that these side effects are minimum, but their answers show that they knew nothing!!!
So, I am tired of getting bad doctors so can you tell me where/how can I find a good doctor who knew what he/she is doing?

Is the Detox Process at Harbour Village Florida Really Useful ?

Question by : Is the Detox Process at Harbour village florida really useful ?

Best answer:

Answer by Brad Heyden
A safe, effective way for an addict to recover is to check in to a detox center like Harbor Village where he/she can recover through a medically supervised drug or alcohol treatment program. When starting this detox center program the specialists will evaluate your problems and start the appropriate treatment.

Addictions treated at Harbor Village include:

Cocaine addiction
Prescription medication addiction
Crystal Meth addiction
Heroin addiction
Opiate addiction
Marijuana addiction
Alcohol addiction
Sexual Addiction
Video Game Addiction
Family Conflict

Christian Substance Abuse Rehab Center

Christian Substance Abuse Rehab Center — – Christian rehabilitation is about converting substance abusers into people with a relevant part to play in the large w…

Hypnosis Trainer Teaches You Some Really Powerful Methods for Free in This Video Watch and Learn Now

Hypnosis trainer teaches you some really powerful methods for free in this video watch and learn now — Tom Silver (805) 525-5500 Professional Achievements Founder of: The Tom Silver Institute of Scientific and Clinical Hypnotherapy–1…

Say No to Drugs

Say No To Drugs — On the occasion of World Anti-Drugs Day, Animesh Singh KC talks to me about his past drug life and his rehabilitation process. He requests everyone to say “N…

Alcohol Treatment Drug Rehab Center Union

Alcohol Treatment Drug Rehab Center Union