Essay Help!!! How Can One Resist and Help Others Resist the Influences of Substance Use and Abuse? ?

Question by boycrazie: Essay help!!! How can one resist and help others resist the influences of substance use and abuse? ?
I am writing an essay on substance (alcohol and drug) abuse. I need to answer the question:
How do you resist the influence and what steps could you take to prevent another from using alcohol or drugs?
Can u PLEASE help!? :]

I have a few ideas already :
Say NO. Practice saying no beforehand
Only hang out with those who don’t drink or use drugs
Avoid relationships with those older than you
realize that they dont make you “cool”

Best answer:

Answer by Samson
All of your ideas are very good.

Another important aspect is to make sure you are well educated about the effects of drugs (alcohol is a drug). The best defense against anything in this world is education.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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