Headache and Fibromyalgia Cured Without Drugs


Headache and Fibromyalgia cured without drugs – Migraine, Headache, jaw pain, face pain, jaw joint pain, Neck ache, back pain, Fibromyalgia, TMJ disorder resolved with Neuromuscular orthodontics when Dental school TMJ clinic could not help. Stress alone does not cause headaches and other symptoms. For more information www.MidwestHeadaches.com Don’t readily accept a Dental school ‘expert’ on TMJ that says your symptoms are not “TMJ” but just due to “stress” as the final word. If an “orofacial pain” doctor says that your jaw joints are “fine” and yet you have facial pain and headaches, don’t accept that as the final word on “TMJ”. If they say that you need medications such as Neurontin to “manage your neuropathic pain” don’t think that is the final word. These are not the final words, if it means living a life of pain and heavy medications. No need to keep suffering with migraine, headache, neck pain, back pain, jaw pain, ear pain, TMJ disorder and TMD when the underlying cause is a “bad bite”. It is not just teeth, but a poor jaw, head and neck alignment. It may be hard to believe. But neuromuscular dentistry can actually solve these problems in most cases. So if you are tired of the pain and hate taking medications with no end in sight, there is hope. Watch this video of an actual patient who first went to the dental school TMJ clinic hoping for a solution for her headaches which she felt were due to her tense jaws. The expert examined her jaws and declared her that her TMJ was fine since she did not have clicking or


Portland Fluoride Debate Represents Ideological Clash

Filed under: Drug Treatment Help Wichita

Fluoridation has been an emotional topic in communities across the country for more than 50 years, and continues to be in cities ranging from conservative Wichita, Kan., to a place whose unofficial motto is "Keep Portland Weird." Portland is considered …
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MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX: Defense Dept. Contracts for Sept. 27, 2012

Filed under: Drug Treatment Help Wichita

AmerisourceBergen Drug Corp., Chester Brook, Pa., was issued a modification exercising the third option year on contract SPM200-05-D-1000/P00171. The modification is a firm fixed price, prime vendor contract for a maximum $ 1,420,684,140 to meet …
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