How Can I Break Free of My Addiction to Online Games?

Question by Jeremy: How can I break free of my addiction to online games?
Well its been about a decade, and my gaming desire still has not been satisfied. ut the problem here is that my work days are coming and I am afraid that I will have no time to game. So is there anyway to break free of games? I really need serious help, I am like 24/7 on my computer everyday and thats not going to help build a bright future for me.
Well its been about a decade, and my gaming desire still has not been satisfied. But the problem here is that my work days are coming and I am afraid that I will have no time to game. So is there anyway to break free of games? I really need serious help, I am like 24/7 on my computer everyday and thats not going to help build a bright future for me.

Best answer:

Answer by Crowfeather
And here you are on Yahoo Answers, on the computer!!! Just get away from the computer and go buy a book or something if you need to keep your mind actively engaged. The Library is full of them, and you will be around other people etc. Mostly steer clear of the computer, and go outside and breathe the fresh air and live.

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