How Can You Get Someone Put in an Insane Aslyum Hospital?

Question by Liana Urrea: How can you get someone put in an insane aslyum hospital?
If you know they need it and have major issues and know all the crazy things that persons done . And the person has a drug addiction and wasn’t born well from the head

Best answer:

Answer by Creston Fournerat
Drive them there. If they really need help but refuse to go, you can always call law enforcement to drag their ass down there.

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Whimsical Wildcat: Why we should legalize marijuana

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

Actually, it is proven to be less addictive than things like caffeine, tobacco, alcohol and some prescribed drugs like Vicodin, Oxycodone and Lortab, all of which can be purchased by anyone over 21 years of age or if prescribed by a doctor. … Whether …
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How College Health Centers Help Students Succeed

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

Decades ago most colleges and universities believed their only responsibility for student health was to set up a clinic to treat the sick and injured. Today, driven by a broader and, in our judgment, better understanding of … Centers also work to …
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