How Can You Help Someone Overcome a Marijuana Addiction?
Question by Charlie: How can you help someone overcome a marijuana addiction?
My friend just wrote me this huge email about how she’s become totally addicted to marijuana… I was shocked because I knew she smoked but not like that O_O Anyways I really dont know what to say to her… any tips for like people she can call (like the kids help phone) or steps to take?
thank you!!! =|
Best answer:
Answer by Meru
addiction and marijuana ( never thought I would hear that in the same sentence..)
just stop …flat out quit. Its not that hard lol..
now if only I could conquer cigarettes…that’s a real addiction there.
None the less, here are the numbers and names of hot lines she can call:
Drug & Alcohol Treatment Referral National Hotline: 1-800-662-4357
National Helplines: 1-800-HELP-111
Narcotics Anonymous, World Service Line: (818) 773-9999
Answer by BABBA
Weed is not addictive! But needing the high can be. Tell her to smoke less and less of it each day. Till the point she doestnt need it.
Professionals Offer Advice on Addiction — The best way to find out if a loved one is struggling with addiction, be it alcoholism or drug abuse, is to ask him or her directly. If you think that someon…