How Do I Stop “Self Medicating” Myself Through Shopping?

Question by lemon: How do I stop “self medicating” myself through shopping?
I have a shopping addiction and do not know how to stop it. It’s hard to just stop buying stuff because my family always bails me out of my financial messes. Sometimes I actually wish they would tell me “no, we’re not going to help you out this time”. Please help.
I also suffer from depression & anxiety.

Best answer:

Answer by Faelwen
Excessive shopping is usually characterized by impulsiveness. Impulsiveness can be attributed to a number of psychological disorders including depression and anxiety (which you have). I have been, and am still somewhat, going through something similar. I’m still learning how to save money instead of spending it all, since I too use it as a means of comfort.

This problem might sound silly to a lot of people, but it really is a problem and a habit that is hard to quit (like smoking). It’ll be hard to fix this problem on your own, so if possible I would seek the help of friends and family, and a therapist if you have access to one. It’s going to involve retraining your brain to break out of what is essentially a habitual coping mechanism, and you’re definitely going to have to want to make that change and really focus on the goals and objectives that a therapist lays out for you. Good luck. =)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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