How Does the Air Force Find Out About Past Drug Abuse?

Question by Dat Gurl: How does the air force find out about past drug abuse?
I’ve been marijuana free for 28 days now and I seriously want to be done with drugs and join the air force to help to live a better, more productive, drug free life. I recently posted a question stating I abused the drug for about 2 years and some of the feed back I received said I’m more than likely DQ and it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to lie about my drug use to get into the air force. What I would like to know is if I’m clean b4 I go in how can they find out about my past drug use? Can they still find out if I choose a job that dosent require TS clearance?

I am seriously done with drugs I don’t plan to ever relaps. And I think joining the air force will help change my life for the better.
I have never been arrested for or have ever been caught with marijuana by any one. Most people don’t even know I’m a smoker and I’ve never been arrested for anything.

About asking these type of questions on yahoo… honestly, I never use my real name or info for anything I do online. So if they were to look me up by my government name they wouldn’t find this, my twitter or my facebook. I don’t use my REAL government name on none of that.

Best answer:

Answer by Jessie,(:
Well first of all, they will ask you. If you decide to lie, than you lie. If you’ve been clean over a month. Than the test won’t show it. If you have ever gotten introuble because of weed than it will be on your record. I’m not sure if they will go any further to check, but who knows they might even read that you posted this.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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