How Many People Have to Die From a Methadone Treatment Program Before the Government Funded Center Admits Faul

Question by Pamela O: How many people have to die from a methadone treatment program before the government funded center admits faul
t? My son went in for pain management and within one week he was dead. On that particular weekend, that hospital had 5 methadone overdoses. He was 23 yrs. young.

Best answer:

Answer by and_y_knot
I am so sorry for your drastic loss!!

That number seem high, so unless it was a fluke, I think methadone might be particularly too casually accepted, overprescribed and misunderstood by the medical community in your area. It’s reputation for years had been as almost a wonder drug, a safe(r) alternative to illegal drugs and drug dependency, and that may be a factor.

Methadone danger, however, has become more high profile lately, mainly, I’m sorry to say, because of some high profile victims, but also because the actual statistics are startling enough be become publicized.

There is undoubtedly some degree of fault all along the line. The drug companies, the FDA, the medical community are understandably concerned with covering their own butts. but often, this is totally at the expense of losing even more human lives needlessly.

In more ways than one, probably the best thing you can do now is to become an activist on this issue. Then, your son’s life and senseless death
can become truly meaningful and somebody’s blessing. Take care of yourself.

Add your own answer in the comments!



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