How Many Year Can a Junkie Stay on Metadon and How Can He Get Out of This ‘treatment’?

Question by Chips: How many year can a junkie stay on metadon and how can he get out of this ‘treatment’?
I know a person who is a drug addicted and lately he is been using metadon to substitute drugs. He wants to know how much more time he can use it as a substitute and how much does a rehab facility costs in europe, or usa. Please help

Best answer:

Answer by annie.weiss
A drug addicted heroin abuser drinks methadone to alleviate the sickness feelings a person gets from withdrawal.
A “junkie” can stay on meth. for as long as they want to. I know people who have been on it for over 35 years now. It’s the most difficult treatment to get off of and that’s why so many ppl. stay on it for soo long usually.
They have outpatient facilities called Methadone Maintenance Treatment Programs MMTP all over New York City in all 5 boros. In England, they don’t use methadone to get off of heroin. They use heroin to get off of heroin at drug stores they administer it with a needle (syringe) for the “junkie”.
So, your friend can use methadone for a long time to come in the United States. After a while, it’s no longer a substitute, but it becomes a drug in of itself, since heroin then gets out of the picture altogether. In New York the drug programs accept medicaid as full payment and others that aren’t privately owned, go on a sliding scale fee for deciding on how much a person pays each month. I know that in some other parts of the USA, as well as privately owned methadone pgs. can run you anywhere from $ 30 a day and up. A friend of mine in NY pays $ 22 a month at a city run out-patient program. I have no idea if the meth. treatment is considered as socialized medicine in Europe, whereby it would then be for free, no charge.

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