How to Get a Job Again as an RN Following Battle With Drug Addiction?

Question by rowanwsmommy: How to get a job again as an RN following battle with drug addiction?
I am a BSN RN in Washington State. I have been clean and sober for a year and I have an active license here in Washington but I haven’t worker in 4 years. I am also on methadone maintenance. I’m really confused about what my options are for work and how to get back to doing what I love so much. Is one allowed to work as an RN while on methadone? I have never diverted or anything like that. Has anyone else got any experience with this issue?

Best answer:

Answer by KIZIAH
You might consider working at a drug rehab center. They hire nurses who have been there in hopes that they will understand and share compassion with a person having a drug or alcohol problem. I don’t know about the methadone maintenance part. It sure can’t hurt to talk to someone. Maybe the agency where you get your methadone could assist you in this.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Heroin,Bags of Cash & The CIA

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