I Have Severe Anxiety and I Need Help?

Question by meep?: I have severe anxiety and i need help?
so i’ve been diagnosed with it since september. I have ups and downs with certain days. I’m terrified of school and i just go to a small private school. I see doctors every month to monitor my progress. I see that i have gotten better since the beginning of the school year but lately i just feel like i’m slipping back into where i was before. I worry about everything and tend to care about others more than i do myself. It started when i was in 4th grade and now im a sophomore. I miss school sometimes because i can’t even get out of the house or the car. My teachers are understanding, but i feel like i disappoint them, which makes me worry. I feel like i dissapoint everyone. My panic attacks have lessened(please don’t let this jinx it) . I had a panic attack so bad i had to be hospitalized. When i was there i was in the unit where the suicidal people are and there were group meetings. I really liked the therapy. I just wish it was that intense outside of the hospital.
I’ve missed almost a whole week of school and have to go back tomorrow but i have this great fear and plainly just really don’t want to go because of having this fear. I do see my counselor there and she’s been there to help me through this. We (the school and my family) decided that i not do homeschooling because they said going to school helps .
I am at a point where i feel like i’ve made no progress even though everyone says i have. I feel so depressed and sad. I’ve been crying for no reason too.
is there anything that could make me feel better? be happy?
i also have this question about a boy who i really like. he makes me happy and i can trust him. I’m also not sure if he knows i like him… or if he likes me.

Best answer:

Answer by Lee
Perhaps try look into mindfulness, it can help you keep calm. Also if you have thoughts that cause panic attacks try list for/against to that thought and outweigh the negative thoughts with positive ones. Good luck and stay strong

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